From: Goldstein, Rachel L. (ELD)
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 10:48 AM
To: Goldstein, Rachel L. (ELD)
Subject: EOEA Telework Policy
Importance: High
Hi all – I hope everyone is doing well on Day 1 of our new remote working period. I’m following up to provide additional guidance on EOEA’s telework arrangement. This guidance includes instructions for how to complete your timesheets, required remote work management practices, specific actions we need everyone to take today and tomorrow, and more. We’ll amend this or follow up with additional information as necessary over the coming days and weeks.
We’ll be having a virtual all staff meeting tomorrow, March 19th via Webex to review this guidance and answer questions. I’ll follow up later today with a meeting invitation for this meeting, and will include instructions to access the webinar remotely.
Rachel Goldstein
Chief Financial Officer
Executive Office of Elder Affairs
One Ashburton Place, Boston, MA 02108
e: Rachel.L.Goldstein@MassMail.State.MA.US
p: (617) 222-7430
m: (781) 400-3814
- Download Cisco Voicemail Instructions
- Download EOEA Telework Guidance During COVID For Distribution 3.18.20
- Download ELD COOP plan 2020